The population of Vaudreuil-Soulanges consulted on wetlands and water resources
The Vaudreuil-Soulanges RCM has just launched an online survey to develop its Plan régional des milieux humides et hydriques, (Regional plan for wetlands and water…
A competition to develop skills
On September 24th and 25th , John Abbott College will host the Green Innovation Challenge.Sponsored by Desjardins and inspired by the “Startup Weekend” concept, the event…
Steve Sauvé21 September 2021
July 2021 weather in Ormstown
Fifth Coolest July in 54 Years. The average temperature for July in Ormstown was the coolest since 2009 measuring 19.7 degrees compared to: Ten year…
VIVA média3 August 2021
Agricultural producers being conscious of the water
Agricultural producers are implementing techniques to better regulate the use of water and to ensure the health of rivers and water tables, paying particular attention…
Steve Sauvé3 August 2021