Killing frost: to be or not to be – that is the question?
Minimum temperatures are recorded at a height of five feet above the ground as well as at the ground surface.The weather station at Ormstown recorded…
Rigaud wrestles with ragweed
Ragweed is a very common weed in Quebec and is also present in Rigaud. Beginning in mid-July, ragweed begins to flower and produce pollen. This…
Steve Sauvé19 September 2020
Planting trees in tribute to the past
On September 12th , the Municipality of Sainte-Martine held a tree planting ceremony in tribute to the involvement of the people of its community for the past…
Mélanie Calvé16 September 2020
Two cleaning operations for the shoreline and the bottom of the river
As part of the Semaine du Saint-Laurent and Défi Saint-Laurent, citizens are invited to participate in the shoreline and the bottom of the river clean-up…
Mélanie Calvé9 September 2020