Tempers are flaring between firefighters and elected officials in Saint-Lazare Municipal politics Tempers are flaring between firefighters and elected officials in Saint-Lazare
Over $ 22.5 million in Beauharnois, Huntingdon and Soulanges for municipal infrastructure Municipal politics Over $ 22.5 million in Beauharnois, Huntingdon and Soulanges for municipal infrastructure
Parliamentary session report with Claude DeBellefeuille Provincial politics Parliamentary session report with Claude DeBellefeuille
New pumping station in Saint-Lazare: elected officials return to the drawing board Municipal politics New pumping station in Saint-Lazare: elected officials return to the drawing board
Vitalization agreement: over $ 238,000 for Haut-Saint-Laurent Municipal politics Vitalization agreement: over $ 238,000 for Haut-Saint-Laurent
Elected officials have had a very busy year Municipal politics Elected officials have had a very busy year