An innovative project would have been refused by the CISSSMO | VIVA MÉDIA Skip to main content

At the end of 2020, the Integrated Health and Social Services Center of Montérégie Ouest refused to allow the Coopérative des Techniciens Ambulanciers de la Montérégie (CETAM) to deploy a new Integrated Community Paramedicine service.

The project, which aims to promote out-of-hospital care for certain users aged 65 and over, is in operation in the eastern sector of CETAM, in Longueuil. According to the information obtained, the success of the service is more than beneficial. In fact, the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) asked CETAM to expand the project.

It is a person well aware of the project, but who requires anonymity, who contacted VIVA MÉDIA following the broadcast of the article published by the author of these lines entitled “Ça va très mal entre le CISSSMO et ses travailleurs” (Things are going very badly between the CISSSMO and its workers), in order to update the situation.

New trajectory

The project refused by the CISSSMO is fully explained on the Santé Montérégie website. It is therefore possible to learn that the user belonging to the targeted group, who contacts 911 for ambulance transport, can now, following a collaboration between the Centre de communication santé de la Montérégie (Groupe Alerte-Santé) and the community paramedic, receive a visit from the latter. This is an integrated community paramedic (PCI) who travels in a dedicated vehicle and can appreciate the level of care a person needs, as well as the safe time frame for their care. The latter, in collaboration with a nurse from the SAD and, if necessary, a responding physician, makes a referral recommendation to the user, whether it be emergency transport or alternative care.

If their state of health allows them to benefit from alternative care and if they agree to receive this type of service, the SAD nurse, in collaboration with the PCI, plans the services they need, which it is an appointment with their family doctor or a clinic appointment. Whatever orientation is advocated, the user will receive a visit from a SAD nurse in their living environment within a maximum of 24 hours.

The success is so noticeable that the government and the MSSS have asked CETAM to expand the project (and it is also starting in other regions of Quebec).

“The CISSMO opposed the idea and refused to deploy the service in the field, thus depriving the citizens of Vaudreuil-Soulanges and greater Valleyfield from taking advantage of this service, which has been made even more relevant and necessary since the arrival of the pandemic, says our source. The refusal was supported by the 911 ambulance dispatch center, Groupe Alerte Santé, which preferred to negotiate to obtain a budget for the services of a nurse in their home. It should be noted that the CAQ announced in 2018 that it wanted to review the entire system of health communication centers, which are numerous, inefficient and whose accountability is obscure.”

The informant adds that the MSSS was committed to finance the PCI service, and that everything was still blocked by the CISSMO. “In addition, the same CISSMO sees workers at the Hôpital Anna-Laberge, in Châteauguay, leaving a drifting ship. Burnouts are on the rise, workers are leaving for the private sector. The workload, especially in radiology, is almost double that of the Hôpital du Suroît. The goal is to make money. Radiologists are demanding that appointments be made even after curfew hours and that non-urgent examinations be given to the elderly despite the risks inherent in the pandemic, all so that radiologists can maintain their income. In addition, everything is done by the CISSMO not to extend the COVID risk premium of 8% to its workers, often limiting it to 4%. It seems obvious that the leaders of CISSMO are working against their employees and especially against the population.”

VIVA MÉDIA has attempted to obtain feedback from CISSSMO in relation to this information. However, although the questions were emailed on March 9th, no response had been received at the time of this going to press.

Steve Sauvé


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