Exclusive interview with the Grinch | VIVA MÉDIA Skip to main content

On December 1st, as soon as the bell announcing the end of classes rang, several children ran to tell their parents that they had seen the Grinch walking near their school. What was this famous green-haired bogeyman doing near some elementary schools? Did he want to spoil the children’s Christmas?

The Grinch doesn’t seem very inclined to talk to our journalist. Accompanied by his friend Cindy Lou, he joined us in front of a school, grumbling. Cindy Lou gives him a subtle elbow nudge as a sign of understanding. She whispers to him that he can trust us and chat with us. The ice is broken, much to our delight.

Cindy Lou, the precious friend of the one who hates Christmas, says the Grinch got caught at his own game. On December 1st , he woke up in a very bad mood and was just grumbling. Cindy Lou then tells him to go for a walk, to clear his head. While walking, he saw in the distance the students of École Primaire Edgar-Hébert having fun in the schoolyard during lunch hour. He then approached, fearful, but curious to see them up close. “Upon seeing the Grinch, the students literally screamed in happiness. They called him openly expressing their astonishment at seeing him. When the Grinch came home, I noticed he seemed moved. I then suggested that he go for a walk in front of another school.”

So, the Grinch headed for a second school, where the visibly surprised children shouted his name, stamping their feet with enthusiasm.

“A man standing nearby asked me to take a picture pointing out that his wife adored me”, said the Grinch.

In the evening, a short video showing the Grinch walking in front of École Edgar-Hébert was shared on social media, prompting many positive comments. Witness to the enthusiasm he created despite himself, the Grinch decided to do it again the following Friday by visiting 4 new schools and returning to the first two schools he visited. “I lost my hat at the first school, he explains. I went to pick it up to the delight of the children who were hoping that I would return for them. Cindy Lou and I decided to go back to the second school we had been to because we were hoping to surprise a little girl who, hearing all the students screaming, stayed alone in a corner of the schoolyard, thinking that they were probably screaming to make her believe that I was there. Thinking it was a joke, she had not approached the fence. Her mom told us she was disappointed she didn’t see me, so I went back.”

c In fact, he found himself shedding a tear of happiness. The next day, on Saturday, he went to meet some children in certain streets, at the request of their mother.

Mission accomplished

Happy to have brought a bit of magic to the hearts of thousands of children, the Grinch says that he is sad that he cannot meet the demand of parents whose children attend schools he has not visited. “It’s impossible for me to do more. Logistically, it’s not that simple. At home, there are the cranky little ones. Also, I have professional obligations that prevent me from continuing. I visited the schools that were not too far from my home to quickly return to my responsibilities. I invite those who have a suit to replace me. It’s like Santa Claus, he can’t be everywhere, he has helpers to replace him. If you can do it, do it. You will have as much fun as the children. Cindy Lou and I hope to inspire others to spread happiness through simple but so valuable initiatives.”

Mélanie Calvé


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