2021 ranking of the most read articles | VIVA MÉDIA Skip to main content

The Internet has taken on an important place in information. Every day, thousands of internet users keep informed on social media. VIVA MÉDIA is no exception to this new reality and that is why the team devotes an important part to this media.

At a time when disinformation is denounced from all sides, VIVA MÉDIA makes a point of providing quality information. 2021 was no exception. The team made a point of covering thousands of topics so that readers can draw informed conclusions and most importantly, be well informed.

In 2021, VIVA MÉDIA published more than 3,000 articles on its website. Obviously, some have captured more attention than others.

Here is the ranking of the 10 most viewed articles for 2021

  1. “Un corps retrouvé dans un motel de Salaberry-de-Valleyfield“ (A body found in a motel in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield), published on September 22nd, 2021
  2. “Fermeture de l’urgence de l’Hôpital du Suroît“ (Closure of the Suroît Hospital emergency department), published on September 16th, 2021
  3. “Accident de travail mortel à Saint-Polycarpe” (Fatal work accident in Saint-Polycarpe), published on April 28th, 2021
  4. “Sa fille entre la vie et la mort, une mère implore les gens de se faire vacciner” (Daughter btween life and death, mother implores people to get vaccinated), published October 1st, 2021
  5. “Ça va très mal entre le CISSSMO et ses travailleurs“ (Things are bad between the CISSSMO and its workers), published on March 4th, 2021
  6. “Une voiture criblée de balles au pont de Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague“ (A car riddled with bullets at the Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague bridge), published on May 23rd, 2021
  7. “Explosion chez General Dynamics à Valleyfield” (Explosion at General Dynamics in Valleyfield), published on September 14th, 2021
  8. “Sauvagement battu pour lui voler de l’argent” (Savagely beaten to steal his money), published on September 17th, 2021
  9. “Incendie dans le stationnement du Costco” (Fire in Costco parking lot), published February 10th, 2021
  10. “Un influenceur se fait passer les menottes” (Influencer is handcuffed), published on June 2nd, 2021
Steve Sauvé


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